+ amy +
> michel houellebecq - particules elementaires 
> salman rushdie - fury
> mario vargas llosa - tours et detours de la vilaine fille
> leo tolstoy - war and peace
> scott fitzgerald - the great gatsby
> allan bennett - the uncommon reader
> samrat upadhyay - arresting god in kathmandu
> sogyal rinpoche - the tibetan book of living and dying
> joel dicker - la vérité sur l'affaire harry quebert
> jay parini - the last station
> jim crace - harvest
favel parrett - past the shallows
> zadie smith - on beauty 
> helen garner - joe cinque’s consolation: a true story of death, grief and the law 
> margareth atwood - the blind assassin
> graeme simsion - the rosie project
> mitch albom - tuesdays with morrie
> kurt vonnegut - cat's craddle
> toni morrison - tar baby 
> leon uris - trinity
> alice walker - the colour purple
> cheryl strayed - wild : from lost to found on the pacific crest trail 

+ mickael +

> sylvain tesson - dans les bois de siberie 
> romain garry - les promesses de l'aube
> mario puzzo - the godfather
> jonathan safran foer - extremedly loud & incredibly close
> doris lessing - the grass is singing
> jonas jonasson - le vieux qui ne voulait pas fêter son anniversaire 
> maurice herzog - annapurna, premier 8000
> scott fitzgerald - the great gatsby
> leo tolstoy - war and peace
> favel parrett - past the shallows
> michel bussi - nympheas noir
> rudyard kipling - jungle book
> joel dicker - la vérité sur l'affaire harry quebert
> kurt vonnegut - cat's craddle
> graeme simsion - the rosie project 
> albert cossery - mendiants et orgueilleux 
> margareth atwood - the blind assassin
> alice walker - the colour purple